Not 100% confident in your packing abilities? Do not worry you have come to the right place! Lots of us have expensive glassware and tableware that you probably don’t want to glue back together once you get to your new house! From your special mugs, plates and ornaments to your everyday use glasses we will give you some amazing tips on how to keep it all in one piece.
Get the Right Packaging Products
Handy Rentals offers packaging packs which include all the things you need to help keep your valuables safe and unsmashed! It comes with boxes, bubble wrap and tape. We recommend one of these not only for your valuables but for any items you wish to transport! Wrap your valuables in bubble wrap and put them in them in a SMALL box, the last thing you want is your items to fall out the bottom of your box!

Collect Newspapers/Magazines
A great way to keep your items safe is to collect newspapers or magazines in the weeks leading up to when you want to move. Simply screw them up page by page and use them as an extra buffer on the outside of the cups to stop them moving around inside the box as the truck or van tends to move around a lot even if you are a very careful driver. You can also put them inside your cups and glasses and wrap your plates in the paper for an extra layer of protection!

Using Clothing to Keep Valuables Safe
Your clothes obviously need to come with you, so why not use your socks and t-shirts to help protect your plates and glassware, it sounds a bit silly but IT WORKS! Don’t tip your whole wardrobe into the glass box but if you need that extra protection you can use your socks or t shirts or anything small enough to fill the gaps (just make sure you have washed them first).

Use a Moving Kit!
This is a bit of a general tip to help keep ALL of your things safe. We can provide a moving kit which includes furniture blankets and tiedowns. With these you can make sure the boxes that hold your valuables don’t move around the truck. This is achieved by padding between boxes and hard walls and using tie downs to secure any loose items that could fall over in transit.

Now that you know about how to pack your glass and valuables effectively, there is one less thing to worry about on your moving day. No matter if you want to take it all the way with protecting your items or just use a few of our tips, Handy makes moving what you need to, where you need to, EASY!